Marketing And Promotion Of HD Putty

V-Activation was assigned for the marketing and promotion of HD putty in October 2023; The Zones were divided in two parts and Painters awareness Program was introduced. One on One, One to Many Sessions were planned. The teams were given many targets to achieve in different Cities and Town. Our Team Achieved 3800 Painter induction in just 8 Working Days. As an Incentive V-Group rewarded its members with 6 Digital Watches and Cash prizes by achieving their assigned target in less than target time. The winners’ names are Faheem, Hammad, and Usama Tayyab from Bhalwal.



Later, after the painters awareness program, Shop Induction was assigned to us is more than 18 towns in Punjab, KPK and AJK. Our Teams work very hard and continued this activity for 6 months till May 2024. Our Team also participated in Liquidation Drive in Punjab, KPK, Swat, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sargodha, Gujranwala, Gujrat and Upper Southern Punjab. The journey still continues with Maple Leaf a leading Brand in White Cement and HD Putty.